Prover Services

Prover Services

We provide meter in-testing and adjustments using our Sonicnine Sonic Nozzle Provers, calibrate bell provers, and provide Field Testing services using the Model 5/ Model 6 ROOTS Provers.

EEI Prover Services

If you have specific sorting or classifying of meters as part of the test specification, please let us know. Our Sonic9 software allows for customized workflows that ensure compliance with your process while ensuring the accuracy of the results.

We are able to test your meters in our shop to your specifications and provide test reports, certificates of accuracy, as well as customer compliant letters. We test diaphragm, rotary, ultrasonic, and turbine meters up to 10,000 CFH.


Sonic Nozzle Prover

With increasing demand for utility companies to provide consistent return on investment (ROI) strategies, the Sonicnine™ Sonic Nozzle Prover from Energy Economics is the most effective sonic nozzle solution available. Add our Meter Management System® (MMS) and the Sonicnine™ system becomes an incredibly strong tool for meter management and calibration. The feature-rich set of tools provides our customers with real time access to information that ordinarily could take days to assemble.


Since 1993, sonic nozzle proving has become the de facto standard for meter measurement and calibration. The use of sonic nozzle technology has advanced greatly since then, and provides a fast, effective, and low-cost solution.

How it works

Sonic nozzle proving takes advantage of a flow property called “choked flow”. When air flows through a venture nozzle with a large enough pressure differential, the flow accelerates to the speed of sound and then “throttles”. At this point volumetric flow through the nozzle can be calculated extremely precisely.

Features & Benefits

These are some of the features and benefits of the Sonicnine™:

  • State of the art Sonic9 software with a user-friendly interface
  • Up to nine sonic nozzles that can provide flow rates in excess of 1500cfh.
  • Precision nozzle sets that provide nominal flow rates within 1.5 cfh of any targeted flow.
  • Adjustable arms that move both left-right and up-down to accommodate a majority of meters on the market.
  • Differential Proving – requires no sensor setup and can prove tin, iron, plastic, and large volume meters quickly and accurately.
  • Adjustable table height, for multiple meter sizes and increased ergonomics.

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