MMS provides accurate meter history and enables process management, saving time and money. It is designed to integrate with our Sonicnine Sonic Nozzle Provers and is the preferred meter shop software of many of our customers.
Our MMS is a set of software modules that allows you to manage the information throughout your meter shop. Using barcodes to track meters from the time they arrive at your door, through repair, into inventory and back out into the field. MMS collects data from provers and other shop stations and has standard and custom reporting.
Energy Economics, Inc. has designed MMS™, a multiple user Data Acquisition System, to collect and report the information needed to manage a gas meter shop. While every gas utility has the same responsibility to test and assure the accuracy of its gas meters, each company has slightly different procedures for doing this work. MMS™ has been installed at many gas utilities and each installation implements system features to accommodate the customers’ individual needs, often without custom code. We are dedicated to providing an IT system that manages the information needed in the meter shop.
Collecting data from provers and printing the results is as simple as MMS™ gets. Most MMS™ users find it useful to collect meter information throughout the meter shop and produce specific reports on productivity and meter location. Collecting, storing and reporting information is a task for a database. Client workstations have function specific software such as Receive, Test, Repair, and Stock stations. MMS™ can provide tracking information down to the pallet by reporting where a meter was last processed (check-in, intest provers, repair bench, leak test, out-test provers, check-out, etc.) Other reports provide information about shop production by meter type, prover operator, repair operator or any other criteria desired.
The MMS™ database may be started from scratch or it may be loaded with legacy data. MMS™ can be used as a stand-alone system or communicate with other systems. Our interface design allows easy connections with minimal customization.
The basic objective of MMS™ is to automate the collection of information as a meter is processed by the meter shop. Other important benefits include up to the minute information availability, data integrity, productivity reports and meter tracking, random sampling, periodic testing, inventory reconciliation.
Please reach out to our knowledgeable team with any further questions.
Thank you!
Trust - Experience - Quality
Energy Economics, Inc.
109 South Street SE
Dodge Center, MN 55927
Toll-Free: 800-733-2557
Outside US: 800-733-2557
Fax: 800-733-2557